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Trust Matters, November 2019

We Need Your Help -- Focus Groups​
​Public Entities - Cyberattacks
Fruits of Their Own Labor Claims
Sidewalks – How perfect do they need to be?​
Fall has arrived in N.C.
The Check is in the Mail


We Need Y​our Help -- Focus Groups​​

The N.C. 市政365足彩下载和我们的健康福利信托基金(HBT)正在举行一个在线焦点小组, and we need your help!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019 | 11:00 am

通过参与和分享你对团体健康保险的坦诚反馈, the League's Health Benefits Trust, 和/或你所在的市政当局需要从健康保险公司那里得到什么, 你将有助于使未来的HBT覆盖选择更好地覆盖全州所有城镇. Log on December 11th at 11:00 am 参与在线焦点小组——这很容易, 只需输入你对讨论问题的真实回答. Responses are anonymous.  

Plus - Earn $25 for Your Help! 完成焦点小组的前100名参与者, 会收到一张价值25美元的亚马逊礼品卡作为我们的感谢吗!

Public Entities - Cyberattacks​

刚刚过去的4月是地方政府网络安全的糟糕月份. There were multiple reported attacks 这导致服务关闭,包括关键的公共安全功能. 尽管市政当局以前也曾是网络攻击的目标, 袭击的频率及其后果都有所增加. 市政当局越来越依赖计算机网络向居民提供服务, and as they build out “smart city" infrastructure, 中断的影响在现实世界中是真实的.​

实现良好的信息安全实践非常重要. It's also important to recognize that you can't achieve 100 percent security; there will always be a new vulnerability or gap.

Therefore, 对于市政当局来说,在恶意软件攻击导致中断时,制定事件响应计划来指导他们的行动是至关重要的. This is an extension of your disaster recovery plan; in addition to a strategy for bringing systems back on line, 您需要一个流程来识别已暴露或被篡改的数据, plus a way to minimize the impact on the public. A mindset of “who'd be interested in us?" is no longer viable.

这对我们所有的城市和城镇都是必不可少的, small to large, 保持警觉,部署防火墙,防止网络攻击, 杀毒软件和冗余计划,以及培训市政雇员安全计算实践. 最近的数据显示,员工疏忽或渎职已成为数据泄露的首要原因. 

我们的财产和责任信托基金继续与比兹利合作, 为我们的会员提供网络保险. 网络政策自动为每位会员提供100美元的网络限额,000, 如果需要,会员可以选择购买更高的限额.

In conclusion, as an IRFFNC/Beazley policy holder, 会员可以访问包含宝贵资源的专有风险管理网站, such as sample privacy policies and procedures, 违规反应和准备材料以及州和联邦法规更新.,

If you have already registered at, you do not need to re-register. 如果您没有,您需要在第一次访问该网站时进行注册. 请使用您的商务邮箱地址和激活码XXXXXX. 您只需要在第一次登录时使用此代码. 在随后的访问中,只需使用您第一次访问该网站时创建的密码. 如果您需要注册方面的帮助,请发送电子邮件  或联系您的NCLM IRFFNC承销商:UW电子邮件:​.

为什么遵守政策、标准操作程序和书面指示很重要? ​

A city employee, 在本文中被称为“约翰·史密斯”, 是被北卡罗来纳市警察局雇佣的吗. 不久之后,他被提升为下士. 四年后,约翰·史密斯寻求晋升为中士. 史密斯对这个职位进行了测试,但没有获得及格分数. 这名员工查看了一份测试副本,发现答案是基于过时的法律. 史密斯就考试答案的差异提出申诉,但申诉听证会被拒绝.

史密斯寻求法律行动,并声称该市违反了宪法第一条, Section 19 of the North Carolina Constitution, which states that we “hold it to be self-evident that all persons are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, the enjoyment of the fruits of their own labor, and the pursuit of happiness." The N.C. 上诉法院多数人得出结论,“政府实体制定和颁布政策和程序,然后不遵守这些政策和程序,本质上是武断的。, 但进一步说,受这些政策和程序约束的员工无权质疑这种失败.多数人还表示,“非理性和武断”的政府行为违反了“他们自己的劳动成果”条款."

What does this mean for local government employers? The opinion of the courts is not limited to just promotional processes; rather, it is much broader in scope, including all 政策、标准操作程序和书面指示. Local government employers need to be aware that it is a violation of the North Carolina Constitution if the following occurs: (1) a public employer has a clear employment rule or policy; (2) the employer violates that rule or policy; and (3) the employee suffers an adverse consequence.

地方政府可以做些什么来防止“自己的劳动成果”的索赔? Follow all 政策、标准操作程序和书面指示. 有时,地方政府可能会忘记已有的政策,或者干脆不遵守政策. To avoid “fruits of their own labor" claims, 如果该政策不再适用,地方政府可能会考虑更新或取消该政策.

如果您对上述案例场景的适用性有疑问和意见, 请不要犹豫,联系人力资源顾问, Heather James ( or Hartwell Wright ( for more information. 

Sidewalks – How perfect do they need to be?​


市政当局投入大量资金维护我们的道路和人行道, but given the steep service demands, their day-to-day statuses can go unchecked. Problems can arise quickly. Well-trafficked areas can develop uneven surfaces. 因此,这些地方资产可能成为潜在索赔的最大风险敞口之一.

Now, 值得注意的是,市政当局并不需要保持人行道和路面完全平坦. 平坦和无缺陷的人行道往往是无法实现的, 地表高度的某些差异不仅是可以接受的, but to be expected in popular areas, such as downtown.

话虽如此,这些问题不应被忽视. 制定检查方案是很重要的,这样可以解决危险并确定优先级. 应该建立一个允许观察员的系统——不管是警察, utility departments, or citizens—to easily report an area of concern. Those reports would be inventoried, 每一个问题都将导致初步检查, record of the findings, and any future plans of action.

在采取这些步骤之后,市政当局的决定应该被记录下来. For significant concerns, 市政当局认为需要采取进一步行动的地方, 然后公众需要意识到这种担忧. Cones, barricades, 或者在确定潜在危险区域后,应使用胶带标记潜在危险区域, and repairs should be made as timely as possible.

If there has been an accident in the area, 立即向NCLM索赔部报告这一点很重要, 因此,我们的工作人员可以进行调查,以确定是否存在向市政当局索赔的风险. If any remedial repairs are done, 在用警告装置标记之前,一定要对该区域进行拍照和测量. 这些信息可以在确定是否存在向市政当局暴露的故障方面发挥巨大作用.

正是在这些情况下,上述记录保存制度至关重要. When followed, 市政当局将对所有报告的问题进行记录, subsequent inspections and determinations, 并解释针对该问题采取了或没有采取哪些行动.

最重要的是,如果发生跌倒或受伤,立即通知NCLM索赔. 我们的工作人员随时可以讨论任何问题,我们鼓励您与我们联系这些问题.​

Fall has arrived in N.C.

Fall has finally arrived in North Carolina! 到外面凉爽的空气中做点运动,真是个好时机! 每年的这个时候最适合去看看新的徒步旅行路线, or raking up those leaves in the backyard, 但最重要的是,这是外出的好时机! 

这也是一年中检查健康状况的好时机. Have you gotten your annual physical? How about those age-appropriate cancer screenings? Don't forget about your eyes and teeth. 定期的眼科和牙科检查是预防性保健的重要组成部分. 很多时候,这些检查可以发现各种疾病的早期发作(如.e.(高血压、中风、甲状腺疾病、癌症、关节炎、糖尿病).

For members of NCLM's Health Benefits Trust (HBT), please pay attention to mailers from Medcost, 我们健康福利信托的第三方管理人. 从9月份开始,每月都会发送有关健康要求的提醒. 为避免违反规定,雇员须缴付10%附加费(为期12个月), 在日历年结束之前进行这些检查,并接受您的个人护理管理护士的任何电话. 

有关HBT健康要求的更多信息, 请联系HBT员工或Medcost客服.

The Check is in the Mail​

On accepted workers compensation injuries, 在7天的等待期过后,受伤工人仍然残疾, 赔偿金按平均周薪的三分之二支付. 平均周薪是按受伤工人受伤前52周的平均工资计算. 这包括加班费、奖金、生活费调整等等. 平均周薪一旦确定,在理赔期间不会改变. 

The current maximum weekly compensation rate is $1,028; for 2020 it will increase to $1,066.  The minimum compensation remains $30. Workers compensation benefits are not taxable.

由于临时限制,受伤工人完全不能工作或不能重返工作岗位, 该工人每周获得临时完全残疾津贴.  这是平均周薪的三分之二. 当受伤的工人能够返回工作岗位,但由于限制收入低于每周平均工资, 医疗预约或工作机会限制, we will pay Temporary Partial Disability, which is basically making up the wage difference. 病假和休假不能代替工人的补偿福利.

365足彩下载确实提供这些每周福利的电子支付. Forms are mailed to the injured worker to complete. If there are any questions regarding this process, 请随时与工人赔偿部门联系. ​
